Tuesday, August 18, 2009



爱情通常由好感开始,可以对一个人有感觉或没感觉,有感觉也未必有勇气去追求,追求了也未必得到,一起后也不能肯定会长久。全部都是50,50 的机率。

如果说一段成功的爱情 = 有感觉+敢追求+追得到+不分离
也即是说,机率 = 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 = 0.0625 = 6.25%

人会为了只有6.25%会得到的东西花费心思+时间,爱情一定是有很不错的回报率... 看来还得慢慢领悟呢!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

My super HP camera....

Few days ago, i wanted to capture the figure on a bill by my hand phone... However a blur image was in front of me... after that, my sister teach me how to use the rite way to capture figure on the bill... after her demonstration.. wau.. my 1st reaction.. my hand phone so geng, able to capture such a small little words like that.... suddenly love my phone camera la.. hehe..

restaurant city... able to capture monitor image...
financial plan for the rug bug case.. the table is so small...
even able to capture page number
words on 10 cent

address on UHU glue...

wau... pencil...

description on cans....

Friday, August 14, 2009

自由了! YEAH

这几个星期都不停的忙Assignment....现在终于赶完了....太开心了!昨天就约了Hugo一起去吃东西咯!他帮了我一个大忙,就带他去pasta zanmai 吃好料。 用完餐后,我们就看戏 GIjoE。 很赞!!
昨天过了一个很放松,有自由,可以放肆的感觉! 感觉真好!!


13,8,2009 (星期四),当我们上完课后,要去用餐时,遇见一件很奇怪的事情,一个马来人骑着摩多单手抱着一位外国小孩。马来人有外国孩子?!我们就觉得很奇怪,我们怀疑是绑架案!于是我们就跟进去,看他去那里。我拍下了他的摩多车牌(WMA4731), 我们就找这个车牌,当我们快要放弃的时候,就给我们发现摩多车的所在位置,外面有另外一个马来人,左看右看相似把风,我们就更怀疑了。我们把车停到另外一边,不要让他们怀疑,发现。然后我们勇敢的好市民, Louis,就打电话报警。电话打了,等等等,等待警察的来临,等等等,大概30分钟才到 = ="。 然后louis就跟警察说明事件的经过,警察就用怀疑的语气跟我们交谈。TMD。 然后我们就带亲爱的警察们去现场,警察车到了,那两个马来人就跑。我们一位亲爱的警察像散步似的追贼,结果当然追不到啦!不知道为什么,后来他们竟然调查起另外的车来(有关系吗?奇怪)。Louis也下车看他们干嘛!有一位警察就打回去警局回应。他说:有这件事,但是他们怀疑罢了!!哈哈!! = =" 不久,louis看到贼们回来看警察走了没,就叫警察。 我们亲爱的警察用时速10KM/j的速度追他们。当然也追不到啦!当地居民就说那外国小孩是谁谁谁的孙子。警察们就收队了!Louis 就问他,那小女孩怎样。 他说:我们不能随便进别人的家的,这是人民的隐私权!。L:如果他们真的绑架呢?P:我们最多可以拿他的摩多会警局。 = ="

马来西亚有这种警察才会这么多罪案发生。他们的专长是block + kopi $. ... 我爱马来西亚!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009


I accident a.... My WHP 3290 bang a car.... A car suddenly turn left and intend to enter the masjid. i m unable to stop... Then............... BAng BAng bang... the driver is a Malay Guy... he quite good la... he send me to a Klinik and pay for me Tim.. after that, v go to a motor shop to fix my motor, after some arguement, he is willing to pay half of the maintainence fees... So gud..recently, my family always have an acident with somebody... Oh.. .PLS stop... plS...

The situation was like this

My hand wounds

The most serious wounds on my hand.. So pain

Chee Teng's 21th birthdaY

27 July was Chee teng b.day. But v celebrate at 25th july, saturday. she invited us to her house for hes b.day party. We are enjoyed and had a lot of fun during the party. Below are photos to share with u all...

3 swords Man

Blur blur de Pic.... feeling so Well

Wau.. KL eyes so big... what r u looking ya...? hehe
Ron eyes lagi big.... so scary...

Sot jor.. he say Vivian's style woo

T_T.. HoHo


same style...

wau.. A big hole there...
come come... follow...

dun know what they r playing...

happy birthday ya...
hope All ur dreams come true