Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Hugo Boss 21岁生日

一名我们群中的灵魂人物在23日于 Port Dickson 庆祝他的生日。我们的计划很圆满的进行,我们在那边租一间 Apartment 在里面吃火锅, 自备火锅,vic 说这次是自备火锅最好吃的。当天我们分两班人马,一班中午去,就是hugo, poh leng, bei chee, victor 跟我啦。其他的因为工作的关系所以就晚上到。我们5人到了之后,就稍微准备晚上的食物,然后就去沙滩狂拍照,狂拍狂拍。大概8点多左右吧,一班人也都到齐了,10位饿了以久的人围在火锅旁边等吃....当然也少不了酒精饮料的陪衬啦。36罐beer, 1支 chivas, 1 支 black label。第二天,我们就因为顺路的关系,就顺道下马六甲去吃鸡饭粒。然后就去寻找我们的战利品(照片)。马六甲真是一点都没变过,天气闷热,只要站着都会汗流浃背 = = 。 hugo 说:马六甲真是没有阴天的。还说没有第二次。 哈哈。行程大概就是酱,一下是照片分享......

风和日丽的中午,pD 的中午


Jump jumP !!!



礼物大汇合... 喜欢吗?

大合照..我好丑 = =


Eye on MAlaysia 之马六甲


Free sTyle



Thursday, May 21, 2009




Tagged by Hugo..
Nowadays Tag is very popular = ="
Start my question...

1. Besides your lips , where is the favourite spot to get kissed?

2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning ?
What a boring day started

3. Who was the last person / people you took a photo with ?

4. Would you consider yourself spoiled ?
Spoiled? my life? image? career?

5. Will you ever donate blood ?
Yes, wanna to donate again... wait for TARC blood donation activity.. hehe

6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex ?
Best fren r... ERm... Almost all i treat them the same way woo.. Is it all my best "Girl" friend?? hehe

7. Do you want someone to be dead ?
NO.... = ="

8. What does your last text message say ?
"Buy la"

9. What are you thinking right now ?
Later where and when should i go to buy drinks for the PD trip?

1o. Do you want someone to be with you right now ?
ERm.. both answer is OK..

11. What was the time you went to bed last night ?
3.30... surf at YOUTUBE until that time.. = ="

12. Where did you buy the tee you are wearing now ?
1U.. Wild Channel

13. Is someone on your mind right now ?
A lot woo.. is it consider YES?? hehe

14. Who was the last person who text you ?
Teng Wee

TEN Lucky Person to do this quiz,ps : I just tag who those have a blog :)
(iv)B jie
(vi)Kok Leng
(viii)Shuet Yee
(x)Bee Chee

15. Who is no.2 having a relationship with ?
ERm... He told me that din hv la.. so i believe HIM lol.. hehe. And hopefully he can find his happiness as soon as posibble..

16. Is no.3 a male or a female ?

17. If no.7 and no.1 get together , would it be a good?
HAR... both of them are guys woo.. GAY?? hehe...

18. What is no.1 studying about ?
Shit.. forgot tim.. just remember he is studying about chemeitry.. SRy.. hehe

19. When was the last time you chatted with them ?
Different ppl hv different time de woo.. u want me to list them out meh... = ="

20.Is no.4 single?
yes. she is..

21. Say something about no.2 .
He is my friend, his brithday is coming soon, hopefully his brithday has a lot of fun and joy, now i know he is consider something about his future, but i think he can do his best decision to make his future better.. +U

22. What do you think about no.3 & no.6 being together ?
Erm.. althought they don't know each other, but if they being 2gether.. i think is ok de.. the gal is so pretty, the guy is so handsome... hehe

23. Describe no.9
Bei Chee.. a Smart women, but hv some traditional thinking.. she wanna to get married rather than to have a good job. always gv us a lot of suprise from her hair.. hehe

24. What will you do if no.6 and no.7 fight ?
I think is a nice show.. but 6 sure lose de.. he is so thin...

25. Do you like 8 ?
Sure, she consider a leng nui de... althought her height is remain the same since form 1.. hehe

No more... after i finish this i scare the MR/MS 1-10 will kill me.. scare scare.. hehe

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


前几个星期,有一位朋友又车祸了。他是摩多骑士,被车撞。很不幸的,他入院了。起初我还不知道她发生车祸,有一天我打电话约她出去帮朋友庆祝生日,她很潇洒的说:我打着石膏啊,去不到啊!我才了发生什么事。经过大概有几个星期在家疗养,我本以为他的脚伤会好得七七八八。哪里知道,前几天一位朋友致电来说:SH 进了医院,我们要去看他吗?原来他的脚发炎了,要去医院开刀做手术。当天我跟Hugo就去HUKM探病,我们就随随便便买了一些水果+HL牛奶去。不巧,她睡着了。我们就放下东西留下字条,走了。多两天,我又跟一班朋友去看她,本以为他要留院多两天,但是当我们要到HUKM时,她致电来说:你们不用来了,我可以出院了。我们就说:我们到了!我们还是上去看她,陪她出院。然后我们就一班朋友去吃午饭聊天,然后送他回家。最近,有蛮多朋友都发生车祸,大家真的要小心哦。我在这里也祝他早日康复。。

很长的走廊 = =:。。 好累

水果+ HL 奶

睡美人... hehe

猪蹄.. 可怜..>..< 希望你早日康复啦